Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Fling--Etsy Glass Artists go Nuts!?!

So, I'm sitting in my reclusive dungeon pseudo-pstudio contemplating the meaning of nuts...Chico (pronounced chick-oh), Marx in Duck Soup playing a peanut vendor--"Peanuts...peanuts! you..." Perhaps you've heard the news--"Etsy Glass Artists Go Spinning Outta Control--Certifiable Nuts!" The collective known as EGA --everything from sweet to funky, wacky to sublime, molten to beer bottles und back again--is having a blow-out, bogolicious, everything from free shipping to 25% off (check individual EGA
travellers for details on the website, eh?), extravaganza February Fling Kablooey! For my subdued part--"Look out! He's flinging little sandwiches with the crusts cut-off!"--it's a simple BOGO 1/2 OFF pogo on a stick (I'm from Minnesota, yo?). This is the coolest sale this side of walleye on a stick, or for that matter, cheese curds on a stick! February Fling--where EGA flings the goods...not to be confused with what some unruly female concertgoers fling at their rock 'n roll fantasies...and you gobble up the unruly deals!!