Sunday, December 14, 2008

Anatomical Hearts Anyone?

It started with an innocent enough trade with Vic of"Make an anatomical heart with some of that German mouth blown glass you've got squirreled away, sugar buns..." Two band-aids later, and a boat-load-of bubbles and swirls percolating through my lumpy, and I arrived at this.

An Audrey Hepburn look-a-like contestant named Eva of spotted the heart and boldly stated--"Make me a heart pendant!" After much hilarious questioning of back lit rib cages and similar repartee, I arrived at this..

...which eventually arrived on Eva's lovely neck--whheeeeeeee!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ginkgo Leaf

Here's an attempt to show the twirling effects of wind on a small ginkgo leaf cut from the side of a small wine bottle--whhhheeee!